About CBS

CBS: “Facts that matter”

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is an open, transparent organisation that delivers relevant and independent data to society on social issues, from the economy and employment to health and the environment. We examine “the facts that matter”. As an expert, you will have a role in collecting, analysing and reporting data. Through your work, you feed the public debate, nurture policy development and decision-making and contribute to well-being, welfare and democracy.

We use our expertise to build a dynamic organisation that is prepared for the future. At CBS, everyone is welcome. We encourage talented people to be of value in an environment where they can be themselves. After all, diversity brings new insights, knowledge and vision to our organisation. CBS is developing rapidly and offers room for your ideas and your knowledge!

Are you interested in joining the conversation and finding out what career prospects we offer at CBS, come and meet us at the Amsterdam Career days.

Are you ready for a career at CBS? Check our vacancies at www.werkenbijhetcbs.nl

Please note: the working language at CBS is Dutch


Thanks for joining us at the 29th Amsterdam Career Days! We hope you found it rewarding and came away with valuable insights and opportunities. We hope to see you next year at our lustrum 30th Edition!

If you have any other questions, contact us at info@acd.nu
